Trunk or Treat
Join us at Trunk or Treat for a Halloween Extravaganza!
Trunk or Treat is our spooky celebration of Halloween and the fall season! Volunteers dress up in costumes to host a trunk and decorate it to whatever theme they want. Hosts give out provided candy and trinkets to the kids in our community. We’ll have candy, costumes, music, and tons of not-too-spooky fun! Join us in our celebration!
Trunk or Treat opens to the public on Saturday, October 21st at 4:30 and goes until 6:00 that evening. Trunks will gather in the parking lot of our Amity Campus. During this time, hosts will act as houses on Halloween, giving candy to children who come! The candy will be nut-free, and includes lower sugar options like fruit snacks and crackers. Hosts will be provided candy vetted by Cathedral staff. All children are invited to this event, Cathedral kids or otherwise, so don’t hesitate to invite a friend.
Thirty minutes before the event opens to the public, from 4:00 to 4:30, we will host a sensory-friendly time. During this timeframe, we will not give out candy. Instead, we’ll be giving out small sensory toys for children who benefit from those. This time will be free of loud noises and music, so it is perfect for stimulus-sensitive children.
How you can help
Host a trunk
We need all the trunks we can get! The more trunks we have, the more the kiddos get out of the event, so please consider hosting a trunk! Trunk hosts will be provided candy for the event, so you should not bring your own candy. Themes and costumes are heavily encouraged! Please arrive by 3pm for set up. Click the button below to sign up to host!
Support Us With Supplies
Obviously this event needs donations to ensure that we have plenty of material to hand out. If you would like to support this event monetarily, we have an Amazon wish list of items to purchase. This list includes candy and other goodies to give out, as well as supplies to help us set up. Anything you can purchase is a huge help! Please have all donations in by October 11th. Click the button below to view our wish list.