Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, the 40 days of fasting and grieving leading up to Easter Sunday. The imposition of ashes reminds us of the ashes from whence we came and the ashes we shall return to. The Ash Wednesday is a meditative, thoughtful service meant to bring our spirits closer to God.
The Downtown campus of Cathedral of the Rockies will host an Ash Wednesday service in the Sanctuary at 6 pm on March 5th. You will have the opportunity to receive ashes in the sign of a cross on your forehead during the service. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made for you by Jesus Christ. Last year’s Palm Sunday branches created this year’s ashes, as is tradition.
New this year
We will provide a soup dinner before the service starting at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. This comes at no cost and everyone is invited to join. We hope this will be a centering moment of fellowship before we enter the season of lent. If you’d like to assist with this dinner, please check the front desk for more information.
Join us in bringing in this season of contemplation and fasting.