Pumpkin Patch

Open daily from 10am to 7pm

October 13th thru Halloween!

The 8th Annual Epworth Pumpkin Patch opens Friday, October 13th on the empty area of Block 75 north of the downtown church. Purchasing your autumn décor from The Patch helps support the youth choir’s summer mission tour. Shop from a wide variety of regular and heirloom pumpkins as well as decorative gourds and mini pumpkins that work great for table decorations and baking. Straw bales will also be available again this year.

The patch will be open daily from 10am to 7pm daily until Halloween when The Patch will close at 3pm. It’s first come, first serve, so shop early for the best selections!

Work the Pumpkin Patch

Volunteers Needed!

Sign up for a 2-3 hour shift to operate the checkout table!

Email Laura Thomson at LThomson@boisefumc.org for more info!