— Need to talk to a staff member? Connect with one of our hospitality staff members in the Lobby! —

— Want to share Feedback from NLI 2024? Contact nli2024@boisefumc.org


Schedule Day 1:

9:15 am    Opening Worship, Welcome, and Keynote 1 – Duane Anders

10:15 am    Morning Break (Snacks in the Emmaus Center)

10:30 am    Breakout Workshops Session 1 (Various Locations)

11:30 am    Lunch – Sponsored by James Reed & Associates (Fellowship Hall)

12:45 pm   Breakout Workshops Session 2 (Various Locations)

1:45 pm    Worship and Keynote 2 – Tod Bolsinger

3:00 pm    Afternoon Break (Snacks in the Emmaus Center)

3:15 pm    Keynote 3 – Tod Bolsinger

4:15 pm    Afternoon Liturgy and Communion

Breakout Workshops Session 1:

  • Julia Frisbie from Faith Foundation Northwest – Endowments 101 (M1/Choir Room)
    What is an endowment? Where does the money come from? Are there restrictions on how we can spend it and when? How big should it be? What about quasi-endowments? What legal responsibilities does a church have if it already owns an endowment, or wants to start a new endowment? You’ll leave this session with a detailed slide deck, a sample endowment charter, and lots of stories about best (and not-the-best) practices.
  • Christy Dirren – SoulShop for Communities (Youth Room)
    A faith based movement addressing suicidal desperation.
  • David Boan and the Ukraine Missions Team – Our Sister Church in Ukraine: Model for International Missions (Olivet Room)
    In February 2023, Boise FUMC started a sister church relationship with the First United Methodist Church of Uzhhorod Ukraine. This workshop starts with presenting the rationale and benefits of a sister church as a model for missions. Attendess are invited to post questions to our a panel that includes mission team members,  representatives of Global Ministries, and One Collective. Participants will learn the principles behind a sister church relationship, the benefits of this model for all participants , and how to work with partners such as Global Missions and One Collective.  This is part one of two presentations. The second (May 2) will discuss the Uzhhorod Methodist Church as a case study in sister church missions.
  • Brennan & Austin from Cathedral Creative Media – Slides & Streams: Navigating A/V Needs for Your Space (Bishop’s Lounge)
    The goal of this breakout will be to help participants identify and seek out the next level up for their sound and broadcast systems, whether that be in skill, knowledge, or equipment. We’ll talk through basic setup, go over some accessible equipment and programs, and give techniques for determining when they can get the job done with minimal expenditure and when they need to purchase equipment or hire a dedicated technician. We’ll help people understand their own systems and their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll end with some “play” time with our system to help visualize and diagnose commonly occurring problems. Participants can submit the problems they’ve run into or questions they have, and our sound tech, Austin Henken, will talk through how he would go about troubleshooting it. 


Breakout Workshops Session 2:

  • Alex, David, and Naki from Cathedral Music – Authentic Worship Through Multiple Styles (M1/Choir Room)
    With multiple campuses and service types, the music department of Cathedral of the Rockies takes multiple approaches to worship, all with the goal of creating an authentic worship experience. We will talk about each of our processes and approaches to programming and/or writing music for traditional, contemporary, and blended services. 
  • Brian Shimer from Genesis Christian Mediation- Enhancing Our Leadership Skillset: Listening (Youth Room)
    We all spend about 80% of each day communicating and approximately 50% of that time we spend listening, yet only 2% of the population has had any formal training in listening. Yet, we’ve watched entire congregations heal and find peace by learning to listen. In this breakout, we’ll touch on both the clinical and biblical models, to find new ways to practice using our ears and eyes as we listen. As scripture enjoins, “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…” (James 1:19).
  • Julia Frisbie from Faith Foundation Northwest – Endowments 201: Release & Modifications (Olivet Room)
    This is a hands-on troubleshooting session for leaders whose churches have endowments with restrictions that make it hard to spend the money for ministry. Bring your stickiest situations, and we will work them through a process to understand whether they can be re-designated via an act of your charge conference, or whether they’re eligible for streamlined release and modification under your state’s UPMIFA statues. PLEASE BRING COPIES of your endowment charter/policy AND any the gift agreement/will/trust that established the fund. (Those who don’t bring documentation may still find value in listening as other church’s situations get workshopped, but this session will be MOST helpful for those who plan ahead and bring the relevant paperwork.) You will leave this workshop with a discernment flowchart, a sample letter to the state attorney general, and a sample resolution for a special called charge conference.


Schedule Day 2:

8:30 am    Opening Worship and Keynote 4 – Tod Bolsinger

9:45 am    Morning Break (Snacks in the Emmaus Center)

10:00 am    Breakout Workshops Session 3 (Various Locations)

11:00 am    Keynote 5 – Jamie Bruesehoff

12:00 pm    Lunch – Sponsored by Faith Foundation Northwest (Fellowship Hall)

1:00 pm    Worship and Keynote 6 – Jamie Bruesehoff

2:15 pm    Afternoon Liturgy and Communion

7:00 pm    Community Event: Jamie Bruesehoff on Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in our Families, Churches, Schools, and Communities


Breakout Workshops Session 3:

  • Alex, David, and Naki from Cathedral Music – Authentic Worship Through Multiple Styles (M1/Choir Room)
    With multiple campuses and service types, the music department of Cathedral of the Rockies takes multiple approaches to worship, all with the goal of creating an authentic worship experience. We will talk about each of our processes and approaches to programming and/or writing music for traditional, contemporary, and blended services. 
  • Brian Shimer from Genesis Christian Mediation- Enhancing Our Leadership Skillset: Listening (Youth Room)
    We all spend about 80% of each day communicating and approximately 50% of that time we spend listening, yet only 2% of the population has had any formal training in listening. Yet, we’ve watched entire congregations heal and find peace by learning to listen. In this breakout, we’ll touch on both the clinical and biblical models, to find new ways to practice using our ears and eyes as we listen. As scripture enjoins, “…be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…” (James 1:19).
  • Brennan & Austin from Cathedral Creative Media – Slides & Streams: Navigating A/V Needs for Your Space (Bishop’s Lounge)
    The goal of this breakout will be to help participants identify and seek out the next level up for their sound and broadcast systems, whether that be in skill, knowledge, or equipment. We’ll talk through basic setup, go over some accessible equipment and programs, and give techniques for determining when they can get the job done with minimal expenditure and when they need to purchase equipment or hire a dedicated technician. We’ll help people understand their own systems and their strengths and weaknesses. We’ll end with some “play” time with our system to help visualize and diagnose commonly occurring problems. Participants can submit the problems they’ve run into or questions they have, and our sound tech, Austin Henken, will talk through how he would go about troubleshooting it. 
  • David Boan and the Ukraine Missions Team – A Case Study of a Sister Church Relationship in Uzhhorod, Ukraine (Olivet Room)
    We  present a case study of the Boise FUMC sister church relationship in Uzhhorod Ukraine.  Following a brief overview of the previous session, we will talk online with our Ukrainian partners, including Pastor Vasyl Vuksta (Uzhhorod Methodist Church), Pastor Alla Vuksta (Kamyanitsa Methodist Church), Rev Oleg and Dr Yulia Starodubets (Superintendent, Ukraine Methodist Church, and Doug Landro (Country Director, Ukraine, One Collective).  Attendees will learn  how the sister church relationship has benefited their church, how it serves people displaced by the war in Ukraine, and the importance of engaging with Ukraine churches at this critical time. Participants are able to ask questions of our Ukraine colleagues and panel members.